Ensuring Structural Materials Benefit Your Business

Consulting Services Incorporated (CSI) specializes in geotechnical consulting engineering and construction science with respect to finite subsurface and construction observation. We provide a full range of services including engineering, IBC Special Inspections, environmental services and construction materials testing.

Construction Materials Testing (CMT) is a significant element of the work that we do at CSI. We offer a variety of mechanical, thermal property, electric property and non-destructive testing solutions for concrete, soils, aggregates, masonry, asphaltic concrete and steel.

When you use the construction material testing services of CSI, you are assured that your work is being done by certified professionals fully trained to work with this particular testing. Our team members are credentialed by national organizations that specialize in the domain of construction material testing, including:

• NICET – National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies
• AASHTO – Materials Referencing Library (AMRL)
• FACE – Concrete Floor Testing
• CCRL – Cement and Concrete Reference Library
• ACI – American Concrete Institute

Construction Materials Subject Matter Expertise

When constructing a new building, expanding an existing building or renovating a facility, it is critical that the materials being used have been tested and meet engineering and construction industry highest standards for quality and safety.

CSI is committed to providing sound construction related engineering solutions for clients with diverse needs. We verify that construction materials being used comply with the project specifications and will serve your construction project well through the years, resisting deterioration and avoiding potential failure. As a partner in construction material testing, our clients rely upon CSI to ensure quality and safety is built into the entire construction process.

Partner with CSI’s Construction Materials Testing team today!

Construction material testing is a critical component of any construction related engineering project and the performance of this testing by credentialed professionals assures that a project will move forward with appropriately chosen materials that provide both safety and quality.

At CSI we have built a reputation for our knowledge, integrity, ability and commitment to our clients. We pride ourselves on the professional relationships we established, and our clients view us as a key partner on their projects. Our customer satisfaction and loyalty as resulted in a strong client base of referral and repeat business that has extended beyond Kentucky and Ohio to 14 states across the Southern US.

At CSI, we understand the importance of on-time delivery and are ready to respond to your project with innovative solutions that will perform well long-term and are cost effective.

Confirm your construction material quality before you dive into your project. Find out how we can help!